My Zoo
- Author By otakicsammyc
- Publication date June 17, 2022
- Categories: Hanga | Create
- Tags: 2022, HRM, LITERCY
- No Comments on My Zoo
We are doing blog challenges for HRM (Home Room) This is my second one and I had to create my own drawing of 2 or more animals put into my own one. I did this on google drawings so its not that good. This is a Koala for the head, Sloth for the hands/body and a Horse for the legs.
I have made this Story Board of “What if YOU woke up with a Superpower!!”
I hope you enjoy this as I really like it and I could only do 3 of these little boxes, if I could it would be longer.
Sorry if this is fuzzy. The first one says “HELP!! I’M FLOATING!!” and the second one says “Roarrrrr.”
I did this research card on Camels. There are a few interesting facts I wrote about Camels.
I think Camels are really cool as they have special ability maybe even superpowers!
I made some uniforms that if I had a school I would like to have. All of these uniforms are non-binary so you can wear any uniform that you want. These uniforms include a Pants options, Shorts option and a Skirt option.
I tried to make these uniforms as comfy as possible for all of the children.
Here are my uniforms that I made.
This is a Butterflys Life Cycle.
This is my Koru Park.
I have a a Koru cup ride and a Koru burger.
5,570.48 km
New York was going to originally be called New Amsterdam.
New Yorkers speak over 800+ languages.
Honking your car horn is illegal (HONK HONK.)
2,060.6 km
Cape Reinga means under world in Te Reo.
The pohutukawa tree in Cape Reinga is over 800 years old.
Dogs aren’t allowed in Cape Reinga.
16,811 km
France is the most Visited country in the world.
France had a king… That only lasted 20 minutes.
The French eat over 25,000 tons of snails each year.
Marco Polo
Marco Polo was a famous explorer, Venetian Merchant and a writer who travelled through Asia between 1271 and 1295.